Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hi Everyone I am sorry to have been away for a time. I am hoping to be able to be back on here more. Since my surgery everything was going well until the pain that I was having in my neck decided to make a return visit. So I am back on meds now and am waiting to see if there will be another surgery needed. I have some reviews to post an alot of other things so I am hoping this will not be a long away time. Thank you for being patient with me.


  1. Im sorry to hear about your pain and your surgery.
    I hope you dont have to have another surgery!

    Sending prayers!

  2. Hi, Shelly,

    Take care of yourself. The reviews, books, and readers will still be around when you're feeling better. Keeping fingers crossed and sending warm thoughts your way.


First in Series- Miss Julia Speaks her Mind by Ann B. Ross

Happy Monday! This week's First in Series is Miss Julia Speaks her Mind by Ann B. Ross Released on August 22, 2000. Seri...