Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Book Tour- Spell Booked- Joyce and Jim Lavene

I am so excited to be part of this tour hosted by Great Escapes Book Tours. Be sure to stop by each of the tour sites , Jim and Joyce are doing a Special giveaway that you don't want to miss. hey are giving away a handwritten grimoire of spells, a print copy of Spell Booked, a willow wand, and a velvet bag to carry it in. Every stop will have some clue words in each post that can be put together they make a Witch’s Spell. To enter the giveaway readers will have to collect all the words and put them all together on the giveaway entry form after the last stop.You are sure to be Blessed with great reading with this book! Joyce and Jim Lavene have done it again with this amazing read!

Magical Mystery Tour 2 573

Spell Booked
by Joyce and Jim Lavene

This book was a blast to read. I loved the characters and the setting…
~Girl Lost in a Book
sb_final.inddSpell Booked
(Retired Witches Mysteries)

New Cozy Series
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Berkley (December 2, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-0425268254

Once upon a time in Wilmington, North Carolina, three witches ran a curio shop named Smuggler’s Arcane. But as the years passed, their magical powers started to fade—leaving them no choice but to conjure up a retirement package…  
Before they could blink their eyes or twitch their noses, Molly, Elsie, and Olivia somehow became eligible for AARP. But they can’t fly off to Boca Raton just yet. First they must give up their magic, recruit and train three new witches, and pass on their cherished spellbook.
They’ve barely begun to consider potential practitioners when Olivia winds up dead and their spellbook is stolen. To honor their friend and reclaim their spells, Molly and Elsie are about to go wand-to-wand with a dangerous young witch more powerful than the trio was in their prime. And this time they’re going to need more than magic up their sleeves…
My Review:
This First in a Brand new series will have you under a spell until the very end. Molly, Elsie, Dororthy and Olivia are vibrant and fun characters that bring this story to life. From keeping thier secret of being witches from others to solving the murder of their friend these witches will keep you captivated and on the edge of your seat wanting more. Charming, bewitching and fun! I loved this book and look forward to the next one! 
I got to Interview Joyce and Jim and the Cauldron is bubbling with answer :  
S.G.This is a first in a new series, what inspired you to write this one?
JJL. We were looking for something a little different than what we’d been writing as a new series proposal. As sometimes happens – fate struck – and we were invited to a full moon celebration by some with friends. It was a lovely night, and we started thinking that we should write about witches.
S.G. Can you give us a sneak peek into what is next for Molly, Elsie and Olivia?
JJL. We are working on the second book, Looking for Mr. Goodwitch, right now. The ladies will be training Dorothy, and are hoping to find two more witches as well as their missing spell book. There is one candidate from Spell Booked that they have their eyes on, but we don’t want to spoil it for the readers!
S.G. How did you come up with the ladies names?
JJL. We knew a wonderful lady named Elsie when we lived in Minnesota. She had red hair and had worked at a café there for more than sixty years. Molly is actually modeled after our witch friend who gave me my first Tarot deck more than forty years ago. Olivia is a friend of ours now who raises horses.
S.G. What two things do you want your readers to know about you?
JJL. That we love what we do, and who we do it with. Writing together is a blessing that we try not to take for granted.
S.G. When you are not writing what fun things take up your time?
JJL. We like to drive back roads and investigate old towns and cemeteries. We take a lot of pictures. We’re very interested in the supernatural and have joined some ghost hunters on occasion.
S.G. One answer speed interview for fun:
JJL. Favorite Author? Barbara Hambly (Joyce) and Charlaine Harris (Jim)
Favorite book? Anything written by these two authors.
Favorite food? Potato salad  -  lasagna.
Coffee or Tea? Tea -  coffee
Summer or Fall? Fall.
Favorite Scent? Lilac – pine.
Favorite Holiday? Christmas.

joyce and jim
About The Authors
Joyce and Jim Lavene write award-winning, bestselling mystery fiction as themselves, J.J. Cook, and Ellie Grant. They have written and published more than 70 novels for Harlequin, Berkley, Amazon, and Gallery Books along with hundreds of non-fiction articles for national and regional publications. They live in rural North Carolina with their family.
Author Links
Purchase Links
Amazon  B&N


  1. Thanks Shelley! Love being here!

  2. Wonderful interview.
    This has to be my favorite blog tour and most fun rafflecopter giveaway.

  3. This sounds like a terrific start to a new series - perfect for us recent retirees!

  4. Thanks for being a stop on this tour. I love these authors! :O)

  5. It’s very informative and you are obviously very knowledgeable in this area. You have opened my eyes to varying views on this topic with interesting and solid content. attraction spells


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