Saturday, March 12, 2016

Blog Tour- Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kristin Weiss

I am delighted to be on this tour today. Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kristin Weiss.

Series: A Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum Mystery (Book 1)
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Midnight Ink (March 8, 2016)
Language: English

Perfectly Proper Murder

When Maddie Kosloski’s career flatlines, she retreats to her wine country hometown for solace and cheap rent. Railroaded into managing the local paranormal museum, she’s certain the rumors of its haunting are greatly exaggerated. But then a fresh corpse in the museum embroils Maddie in murders past and present, making her wonder if a ghost could really be on the loose.

With her high school bully as one of the detectives in charge of the investigation, Maddie doubts justice will be served. When one of her best friends is arrested, she knows it won’t be. Maddie also grapples with ghost hunters, obsessed taxidermists, and the sexy motorcyclist next door as outside forces threaten. And as she juggles spectral shenanigans with the hunt for a killer, she discovers there truly is no place like home.

7 Mysterious Objects You’ll Find in the Paranormal Museum

Guest post by Kirsten Weiss, author of The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum.

When Maddie Kosloski takes over the local paranormal museum, she’s not sure what to expect (certainly not a body). Corpse aside, here are some of the objects she discovered in the museum.

GD Cat. No paranormal museum is complete without a cat slinking around, especially a cat that can see ghosts (as many are reputed to do). GD’s got a bit of an attitude, but he earns his kibble off tips, so he’s protective of the museum. About the new owner, he’s not so sure.

Haunted photos. What makes a photo haunted? The new paranormal museum owner, Maddie Kosloski, isn’t so sure. But there’s a 19th century murder mystery tied to one of them that has her hooked. Will she have time to research it while’s she dealing with a present-day murder in her museum?

Creepy Dolls. What makes those old-fashioned dolls so creepy? Is it the dead eyes? The fact that they’re like us but not like us? Their aliveness/not aliveness? Whatever the reason, the Creepy Doll room is one of the most popular in San Benedetto’s paranormal museum.

Figure 1 Image of a Spiritoscope from Dr. Robert Hare's 1855 treatise, Spiritualism Scientifically Demonstrated. This image file is in the public domain in the US.

A spirit cabinet. In the 19th century, live shows by mediums were hugely popular. Often, they’d use spirit cabinets. The medium would sit inside the cabinet and their assistant would bind their hands and feet. Then, with the doors to the cabinet closed, all sorts of odd things would happen—ghostly hands might manifest over the box, tambourines would sound… Today, we have to wonder how the audience was so gullible.

A spiritoscope. For every medium trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes, there was a supposed scientist subtly helping them along. Spiritoscopes were designed to aid the medium in contacting spirits while making it “impossible” for them medium to fake it.

A bronzed skull. Maddie still has no idea about the story behind the mysterious skull. When she took over the museum, the records were a hopeless mess. But the skull is suitably spooky, so she’s keeping it.

A haunted rocking chair. Maddie suspects GD Cat is largely responsible for the chair rocking for seemingly no reason. It’s the cat’s favorite spot, when he’s not following visitors around the museum and staring at empty corners for no reason. The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum

When Maddie Kosloski’s career flatlines, she retreats to her wine country hometown for solace and cheap rent. Railroaded into managing the local paranormal museum, she’s certain the rumors of its haunting are greatly exaggerated. But then a fresh corpse in the museum embroils Maddie in murders past and present, making her wonder if a ghost could really be on the loose.

With her high school bully as one of the detectives in charge of the investigation, Maddie doubts justice will be served. When one of her best friends is arrested, she knows it won’t be. Maddie also grapples with ghost hunters, obsessed taxidermists, and the sexy motorcyclist next door as outside forces threaten. And as she juggles spectral shenanigans with the hunt for a killer, she discovers there truly is no place like home.

A Charmingly fun book.The debut is fast-paced and fun with humor and wit. The cast of characters and the story line so well written with a bit of twist along the way. make you want to keep reading. I enjoyed this book and was hooked from the start.


Kirsten Weiss grew up in San Mateo, California. After getting her MBA, she joined the Peace Corps, starting an international career that took her around the fringes of the defunct USSR and into the Afghan war zone. Her experiences abroad not only gave her glimpses into the darker side of human nature, but also sparked an interest in the effects of mysticism and mythology, and how both are woven into our daily lives.

She writes paranormal mystery and suspense, blending her experiences and imagination to create vivid worlds of magic and mayhem.

Kirsten has never met a dessert she didn’t like, and her guilty pleasures are watching ghost Whisperer re-runs and drinking good wine.

Author Links

Follow her on Twitter @KirstenWeiss, or on her Facebook page, or at her blog at


  1. Thanks for this opportunity! Congrats on the book release!

  2. This sounds like an intriguing and fun read. Looking forward to reading. Great giveaway, thanks.

  3. I think the museum sounds like a great setting.

  4. What a great setting for a mystery. Sounds like fun.

  5. Kirsten Weiss is a "new-to-me" author. Thank you for the introduction.

  6. Fun book and I enjoyed the guest post because I don't remember or haven't noticed the skull. I wonder if it will make a stronger appearance in the coming books.


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