Friday, July 22, 2016

Blog tour and giveaway- Address to Die for by Mary Feliz

I am excited to be part of this blog tour. Mary Feliz is here today with her brand new book series. Address to Die For was released on July 19th.

Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Lyrical Underground (July 19, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1601836643

For professional organizer Maggie McDonald, moving her family into a new home should be the perfect organizational challenge. But murder was definitely not on the to-do list . . .

Maggie McDonald has a penchant for order that isn’t confined to her clients’ closets, kitchens, and sock drawers. As she lays out her plan to transfer her family to the hundred-year-old house her husband, Max, has inherited in the hills above Silicon Valley, she has every expectation for their new life to fall neatly into place. But as the family bounces up the driveway of their new home, she’s shocked to discover the house’s dilapidated condition. When her husband finds the caretaker face-down in their new basement, it’s the detectives who end up moving in. What a mess! While the investigation unravels and the family camps out in a barn, a killer remains at large—exactly the sort of loose end Maggie can’t help but clean up . . .

Address to Die for is an engaging debut. Right from the start you get drawn in to the story and moving day. With fresh new characters and a strong story, you won't be able to put this one down. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one.

About The Author

Mary Feliz has lived in five states and two countries but calls Silicon Valley home. Traveling to other areas of the United States, she’s frequently reminded that what seems normal in the high-tech heartland can seem decidedly odd to the rest of the country. A big fan of irony, serendipity, diversity, and quirky intelligence tempered with gentle humor, Mary strives to bring these elements into her writing, although her characters tend to take these elements to a whole new level. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and National Association of Professional Organizers. Mary is a Smith College graduate with a degree in Sociology. She lives in Northern California with her husband, near the homes of their two adult offspring.

Visit Mary online at, or follow her on Twitter @MaryFelizAuthor.


  1. Thanks for your lovely comments about the book, Shelley! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope your blog readers will too.

  2. I'm looking forward to this new series.

  3. I can'tell wait to read this series.

  4. I can'tell wait to read this series.

  5. Looking forward to reading this series.

  6. Looking forward to reading this series.


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