I’m thrilled to be here on your blog today, Shelley. I have so much fun talking with mystery lovers. I’ve been a mystery fan forever!
Tell us a little about yourself.
A Midwest native, I spent my twenties working as a Top 40 radio executive in Manhattan and Los Angeles, and then I moved into another fun and rewarding career at Warner Bros. Records. I had the privilege to work with some of the most dynamic people in the entertainment industry. In 2007 I decided to do some creating of my own and left the comfort zone of the music business to become a novelist. I’ve been very fortunate—I sold the first novel I wrote, WHO DO, VOODOO? to Berkley Prime Crime. WHO DO, VOODOO? achieved bestselling status on release and garnered four award nominations including Agatha and Anthony nominations. My second novel, BRUJA BROUHAHA, a continuation of the Mind For Murder Mystery series, is hitting bookshelves. I’m as nervous as a new mother.
How did you come up with the Title of this book?
BRUJA BROUHAHA evolved as I researched various forms of the occult while plotting. I set the story near MacArthur Park , a multi-cultural section of Los Angeles where locals practice multiple versions of the supernatural including Santeria and Santa Muerte. Mexican black magic is called Brujeria (broo-ha-REE-a) and a practicing black magic witch is a bruja (broo-ha). One of the central characters is accused of being a bruja and the word stuck in my mind. I looked for a word to go with bruja to project a mess or big trouble, and stumbled on brouhaha—a perfect match. I was so excited when my publisher agreed.
Can you tell us a little of what is next for this series?
After BRUJA BROUHAHA, Liz Cooper and Nick Garfield
continue their occult-themed adventures in May 2013 in the third
novel in the Mind For Murder Mystery series. It’s too
early for spoilers but I’ll give you a hint. Book three is a devil of
a story involving exes: ex-husbands, ex-neighbors, ex-
girlfriends, ex-in-laws, ex-neighborhoods...
What are you working on now?
This summer I’m doing promo for the BRUJA
BROUHAHA release on wonderful blogs like yours, a
chance for me to step away from the computer for a bit to
spend time with readers and old friends. After my round of
joyful socializing it’s back to the keyboard to research,
plot, and then write my fourth novel. I have a fun idea, just
need to sleep on it a few more nights.
I’m a mystery vagabond. My favorite author is the one who
wrote whatever mystery I’m reading at the moment. I’ve
been known to spend months reading an entire series by
same author: Cleo Coyle, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Harlan
Coben, Michael Connelly, Elizabeth Peters, Louise
Penny, going as far back as Carolyn Keen’s Nancy Drew
series, Raymond Chandler, Arthur Conan Doyle. After I
exhaust my rapture with a series, I’m on to the next. I’m
excited to read Hank Phillippi Ryan’s new release, THE
OTHER WOMAN, in September. Currently trying to carve
out time to read GONE GIRL. If I could have dinner with a
favorite fictional mystery character—current or classic—
my choice would be a tossup between Nancy Drew
(childhood hero) and Harlan Coben’s Win Lockwood
(because he’s sooo bad/interesting.)
Thank you so much for inviting me, Shelley! Now I have a question for your readers: Which character would YOU choose to dine with? Dish it up.
Rochelle Staab, a former award-winning Top 40 radio programmer and Warner Bros. Records advertising and marketing executive, blended her fascination with the supernatural and her love for mystery in her Mind for Murder Mystery series for Berkley Prime Crime. Her bestselling first novel, WHO DO, VOODOO? was nominated for Anthony, Agatha, Eureka !, and Golden Heart awards. Her second novel, BRUJA BROUHAHA is out on August 7.
Check out Rochelle's BRUJA BROUHAHA board on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/rochellestaab/bruja-brouhaha-sites/
Twitter: @RochelleStaab
I'm going to change my question a little because choosing one fictional character is like going into a candy shop but only being allowed to have one piece!
ReplyDeleteTherefore, I'm interested in hearing your entire crowd!
It means I'm putting Nancy and Win at the same table. I wonder how they'll get along...
Hi Rochelle, Thank you for visiting my blog today!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for making me feel at home. You haven't given me your ideal fictional dinner guests yet. C'mon...let's hear the list!
DeleteGone Girl is fabulous, Rochelle. You'll love it. Gillian Flynn is amazing if you haven't read her work.
ReplyDeleteWho would I most like to meet? You must mean apart from Nick Garfield.
It would have to be either James Lee Burke's Clete Purcell or Nelson DeMille's John Corey. Clete pokes holes in hypocrisy, questions authority, takes no prisoners, and is loyal to a fault. Corey is an unapologetic sexist pig, but he recognizes it, which redeems him somehow. Plus he's funny, cynical, and sarcastic, all of which I appreciate. If I could get Clete and Corey together at the same table, all the better.
Good luck with Bruja Brouhaha!!! Happy launch!
Thank you! I'm nervous and excited about release. I hope everyone loves BRUJA BROUHAHA has much as I loved writing it.
DeleteYou're the second author I respect who gave raves on Gone Girl. Can't wait to dig in.
I have a feeling that Win Lockwood would enjoy being at the table with them. I do love the cynical funny men.
Best of luck on your Claymore nomination on A Twist Of Hate! I'm rooting for you (woot, woot)
Hi Rochelle, I think for who I would want to have at my dinner table would be Henry from the time travelers Wife, then we can go anywhere. Also Kelly and the Girls from the knitting series of Maggie Sefton. Of course we would be knitting more than eating. And I am drawing a blank on who else. I havent read Gone Girl yet but it is on my list to read!
ReplyDeleteShelley, I love the thought of dining with Henry. How fun to travel in time to an exotic locale for an evening of conversation. Great idea! And how absolute fun to hang with Kelly and the rest of Maggie's characters, knitting, swapping tips, creating, chatting, and dining. Love your imagination.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for inviting me to spend the day here on your blog. Waving happily at your readers—I had a great time!