Welcome Shannon so glad you have joined us today.

What is your go to comfort food ?
Without a doubt it is macaroni and cheese. And it has to be with Velveeta. I used to make huge amounts of it for brandings. My kids always said I made the best macaroni and cheese EVER. These days I buy the Velveeta shells and cheese. It makes me happy. Don't judge me.
What is your guilty pleasure television show?
I already feel guilty enough about the mac and cheese and you're hitting me with another shot? You're relentless. I'm notoriously unsentimental. And yet, I have all the Gilmore Girls on DVD. I've been spending a lot time with my dear friend in Denver. She's brilliant but man, does she love trash TV. She had me watching my 600 Pound Life. I am so traumatized. I may never eat gravy again.
When you have a girls night out what does that entail?
I'm totally not a night person so any other time of day out is great. But it must involve booze. I had the best job when I lived in Flagstaff. My boss and I would knock off at 3 or 4 in the afternoon at least once a week, maybe more. We'd have a "strategy" meeting at any number of great bars. It would put us home at the regular time and leave us bright-eyed for the next day. That's my perfect girls' afternoon out.
Do you have a favorite vacation spot and why?
Funny you should ask. We leave tomorrow for the Carribean for a dive trip. We're doing a live-aboard for a week, sailing between St. Kitts and St. Maarten. I love, love, love sun and sand and water. And diving is my favorite thing to do. But I also love the Grand Canyon, hiking, biking, river running. Oh, so many great places and things to do!
If you could have a date with one Celebrity who would it be and why?
This question stumps me. I am so impressed by celebrity that I clam up and can't think or talk. So I don't think I want to hang with anyone famous. I recently met Sophie Littlefield in a social situation. She was so fun and authentic and we launched into a totally non-writing related conversation. I'd been wanting to read her books but hadn't at that point. So I bought one and read it in the next couple of days. It was so amazingly great and I am really happy I hadn't read it before we met or I wouldn't have been able to relate to her on a woman to woman basis. I'd have gushed all over her. There you go, another guilty fact about me. (You're enjoying this, aren't you?)
Yes..Yes I am enjoying this!!
You made my day with this post. I enjoyed reading this and even had macaroni and cheese for dinner.
ReplyDeleteHi Shelley-- just retunred from a week of diving in the St. Kitts/St. Maarten. Sorry I missed the Sassy Questions. The diving was amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis was fun. Mac and cheese..my guilty comfort food is the blue box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.